I can’t say that I’m necessarily surprised, but Jesse Jackson has decided to make a comment regarding a subject that had absolutely nothing to do race and of course twist it into some ridiculous bullshit. So Lebron left the whole city of Cleveland and their soul burning slow on some Ether type shit. The Cavs owner, Dan Gilbert, then released an open letter to Lebron, the city of Cleveland, and anybody else who he thought might care what he has to say calling Lebron a coward, a traitor, etc. Jesse Jackson felt that he needed to come to Lebron’s aide (as if Lebron didn’t get enough of that by taking the easy way out and going to Miami). Here’s what Messy Jesse said: "He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers… His feelings of betrayal personify a slave master mentality. He sees LeBron as a runaway slave. This is an owner employee relationship -- between business partners -- and LeBron honored his contract."
Really Jesse? You took it all the way there? Ok, I agree with the last sentence, but let’s discuss what was said before that. I know there are probably some black people who will gas Jesse up and support these erroneous statements. These are probably the same people who think OJ had nothing to do with murdering his wife, Ronald Reagan personally distributed crack in Harlem, and Steve Harvey is a relationship expert. And if yall believe that then I got some ocean front property in Idaho for cheap.
Don’t think that I’m defending Dan Gilbert here either. He sounds like a bitter ex boyfriend who just saw his girlfriend willingly get trained on by dudes that are better looking with bigger man parts (Pause!) and can kick his ass if he even thinks about trying to say something about it. But in no way am I on Jesse’s side. What I’d first like to know is who the hell asked Jesse Jackson his opinion on this? Did ESPN call him up and say, “Hey Jess, we know you were one of Chris Broussard’s sources throughout this whole ordeal. We just wanted to know what you thought about all of this.”
Second thing I wanna know is why people still call him “Rev. Jesse Jackson.” Where is this niggas church? When’s the last time he preached a sermon? Another thing I want to know is why did he have to take it there? You already got white people wanting to call Lebron a “cocky nigger,” but as we discussed a few posts ago they’ll say something like he’s a “typical self centered, NBA player who has no morals or values.” Point is there was no reason to bring race into this. At least not to that degree. What was Dan Gilbert supposed to do, chop Lebron’s foot off to keep him from taking his talent to South Beach. Better than thinking like Jesse and cutting his nuts off instead though.
What I'd also like to know is whether Jesse sees the log in his eye while spotting the speck in everyone else's (get it? quoting the bible to critique a "reverend"? Irony!!!). I guess since LeBron is Toby and Dan Gilbert is Massa', then Jesse could be considered a rapist. After all, he did impregnate a much-younger woman (he wasn't married to) who worked for him at the time. Classic case of exploitation for sexual favors, right? Well at least according to the good reverend's logic.
Last thing I wanna know is what an actual slave would think about Jesse's assertions. If I could travel in time and tell someone who endured the middle passage, bondage, torture, and family seperation through the slave trade that his plight was being compared to a free multi-millionaire employee having a "meanie-weenie" letter written about him, do you think he would assume this comparison was made by a so-called "black leader"? Do you think he might know a thing or two about what slavery actually was? Perhaps Jesse should stick to knocking up women out of wedlock instead of cheapening the experience of thousands of people who built this nation while enduring the most painful of human experiences.
I’m convinced that a lot of these major news sources ask for Jackson’s or Al Sharpton’s opinion simply to get a soundbite out of them and say “See, I told you they all think the same.” It almost hurts my heart to see and hear things like this because we all know Jesse will forever be linked to MLK. Most people today just recognize him from the picture standing next to King when they were standing on the balcony pointing, but he still thinks his association with MLK makes his opinion more relevant than it really is. Times like this, I wish King would have just ducked so that the bullet would’ve caught Jesse instead.
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