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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Same Sh*t...Different Toilet

So I ran across this article the other day in The Houston Chronicle and it the basis of it surrounds the fact that many people in black community aren’t necessarily mad at Tiger for cheating on his wife; they have a problem with all of the rumored mistresses being white. Which of course brings us back full circle to the age old problem of famous black men (most notably athletes) becoming successful and running off with a white girl. I think we’ve all heard this argument time and time again, and in my opinion, I think it’s about time we all moved on. Black people love to play the race card a lot and are always screaming for equality, so why would it make a difference if you date someone black or white? I think I know where the problem lies. It’s when a black man gets a white woman for the sole purpose of feeling validated for having reached a certain level of success. I mean if a brother can get a white girl, then he really made it right? I’m pretty sure this is the reason behind a few of the many prominent black athletes and entertainers today. I can understand why this would upset anybody. But this probably equates to a small percentage of people who are in an interracial relationship. Some black people will get mad when they hear that a black man or woman is generally more attracted to and prefers a white partner rather than dating within their race. I don’t necessarily see a problem with this as long as it’s not one of those dudes that just come right out and say “I don’t date black chicks.” Hey, we all have preferences don’t we? Is it any different than a black woman who says she prefers a dark chocolate man? At the end of the day, her preference is based on the color of her counterpart’s skin tone.

And as far as black women out there still complaining that the white women are taking all of your men, nobody told you that you had to date a black man. Switch it up. As a matter of fact, I have a very close white friend who happens to like women with some melanin in their skin. Hit me up if you’re interested. Now that I think about it, a lot of my friends are in interracial relationships, and they all seem to be genuinely happy. They didn’t do it because they thought their boy/girlfriend was a status symbol. They didn’t do it because they thought it would be easier dating someone white either. This brings me to another point. I’ve heard people claiming that Tiger never would’ve gotten away with this had he been married to a black woman, “cuz ain’t no sistah gon’ stand for that bs.” Negroes please. I know plenty of black women who have been cheated on and didn’t do shit about it. Some of them might do something stupid like flatten all four tires on your Cadillac and put a brick through your windshield (true story). But a message to all the ladies out there, you cannot hurt a man by harming his personal belongings. For one, anything worth destroying is probably insured or covered by some kind of accidental damage warranty. All that’s going to do is piss him off and make him want to hurt you even more. The only way to truly hurt a man is to…….nah, I’m not gonna tell you.

Another comment in the article that stuck out to me brought up the notion of how some people would act towards Barack Obama had he married a white woman. Seeing as how he’s a light skinded, half black, Harvard graduate, how many people out there riding the Obama train would call him a sellout if Michelle were white instead of black? For that matter, would more white people have accepted him had he been married to a white woman? Yeah I’m sure a lot of black people would still vote for him just because he was black (which is another topic that I could rant about for hours), but a lot of people would have probably thought a little more about that decision. Of course the Republicans still had Sarah Palin on their team, which technically wouldn’t have made that much of a difference this time around anyway. You get the point I’m getting at here though. True enough it’s easier for a people to date someone with a similar culture or background, but you don’t see the Vatican going ape shit when a famous catholic person marries a protestant. Maybe we should just make race like we do religion. You can convert to being Jewish or Catholic, so why not convert some of these white women over to the dark side before they’re allowed to get married to a black man? They would have to go through a series of tests to prove their “blackness” and even have to start checking the little box on all applications marked “Black and/or of African descent.” Would that satisfy everybody?

Monday, December 7, 2009

MyShoeBag Presents: The Dark Knight

With tomorrow's release of Chris Brown's album, guest writer The Dark Knight offers his opinion on why we shouldn't count out the young buck. I'm sure that album has some good beats on it at the least

Remember the days where a good ol’ fashion beef sold records; a lie here (Pac sleeping with Faith Evans), fabrication there (Rick Ross, “I ain’t never been a correctional officer, oh wait there was that time in the early 90’s I spent collecting a pay check…but I was crooked though”), a diss song based on a ½ second encounter with another artist that didn’t go the way that you wanted (Mariah Carey and Em)…but domestic violence? That’s a new one for me.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am most certainly familiar with artists using mean and hurtful language when describing other artist in their music to create a buzz around a record ors to create this publicity surrounding their new album releases, but Rhiana and Chris Brown have taken the “Drama Sells” approach to a whole new level. Before I get into this brief tirade of sorts let me say for the record, I am against any type of domestic violence…and just in case you had the tendency to cheer let me be specific; my stance is not just against cowardly men putting their hands on women, but also gassed up women feeling they can put they hands on a man.”

Now that I got that out of the way; I find it extremely interesting how an individual who has suffered extreme brutality at the hands of her significant other back in February can go into complete obscurity with no sign of imminent return or appearance. And then, nine months later you are back on the scene in full affect, ready to birth another album all in the name of generating awareness to other young women about the seriousness of domestic violence. I mean the interview airs national November 6, and the album drops a couple of weeks after. My question is where were you 7, 8 months ago? Have you made any other public appearance to educate individuals on the warning signs of abuse? And please spare me the she was finally ready to talk about it speech because it wasn’t like her mouth was wired shut or she was in a coma like state that prevented her from coming public sooner. I’m not downing Rhiana for speaking out…I’m just curious as to the timing.

And just to be fair…Chris you couldn’t come out with an initial statement about how you felt in regards to the Rhiana interview? Oh wait, maybe you were after your community service you became too consumed with helping young men deal with their anger. Whatever the case, I’m sure tonight we will see a very remorseful, I never thought I could be that guy, I’ve never been like that in any other relationship, witnessing domestic violence with my own eyes growing up had no effect on me, etc., etc. I’m sure that you won’t mention the new album at all…unless Robin Roberts ask you about it (wink wink). I’m sure by the previews that your Mr. Rodgers sweater and coy demeanor will preserve some of the album sales that you might have lost…considering it comes out December 8th.
At the end of the day, there is nothing like some CONTORVERSY to help sell records…no matter the severity.

MyShoeBag Presents: The Black Avenger

Today's note is brought to you by a special ghost writer who goes by "The Black Avenger"

The Game Done Changed:

When you reach a certain level of popularity, people are going to be in your business 24/7. There are going to be cousins, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, parents, children and a whole lot of other people coming out of nowhere claiming that you owe them this or that, or asking can they have this or that. As far as I’ve seen, most public figures keep a tight rein on their past and can easily buy off or litigate their way out of any funny business committed by these individuals. What gets me is the way these public figures, these ridiculously rich public figures, especially the men, continue to act like dumb dummies when it comes to getting some action on the side. It’s like they grew up with all these chicks throwing booty at them and the minute they jump into to the top 5% tax bracket they start losing their damn minds and forgetting how the game is supposed to work. There are piss poor men out here that have had secret families for years and nobody knows until his funeral and there is a whole ‘nother family sitting on that first pew and that little boy in the front looks just like little Junebug. Why can’t these dudes with money at their disposal get it together? It’s an unsaid rule that men with power and money cheat, not all of them but I would go out on a limb and say most of them. It would seem to me that the wives of these men know this, hell some of them may have been the other woman at some point in time. Where these dudes are getting the game twisted is that they feel that they are untouchable in that aspect, and that they can go around banging all these different chicks all willy nilly and not have any consequences. I’ll go a step further and say that they aren’t even just banging these chicks but they are showing them too much love.

Example, a high profile sports star is married with children, he goes to Vegas meets a cocktail waitress that would turn a Catholic priest into a salivating horndog (hehe..horndog), and he takes her back to the room for a romp. He may even take her number so that the next time he is in Vegas they will hook up again. So he calls and texts her dropping a bunch of sweet nothings in her ear, until wifey finds out; then he doesn’t know the chick, never met her, and whatever other denial claims he can come up with. The wife threatens divorce, the dude sees half of his…and I stress, HIS hard money going to pay for a new toy for the wife, and claims he will never talk the chick again. He tells the other lady it’s over and the next thing you know it’s all over CNN, ESPN, ABC, and NPR that this guy is a cheater from way back, and this other lady knows more about him than his own wife. Now the guy’s rep is in shambles al because he didn’t play the game like it’s supposed to be played.

Fellas, let me drop a jewel on you…if you are going to cheat make sure you have no feelings for the other chick, don’t buy her nice expensive gifts, don’t wine and dine her. If you can help it, don’t even get her name. Treat her like the hoe she is. Now ladies before you get upset, if the chick is messing with a dude she knows has a wife and kids at home she is a whore plain and simple. The problem I see happening with the rich dudes is that they are tricking dough on these jumpoffs and making them feel like they are more than what they are. I don’t care if you are Bill Gates rich, it is trickin if you got it, ain’t got it, or never will have it. If you have money to blow like that spend it on yourself or your kids, not some random piece of ass that will have your head(pun intended) if you try to cut it off with her. Because in her eyes, she is your woman now. This should be common sense to most of dudes but to those who don’t know, never ever, ever, ever treat a jumpoff with love and respect. Miss me with that all women should be treated with respect bullsh!t cause it ain’t true, ladies this goes for you too. Use the brutally honest approach if necessary and let her know she is just something to do and if she can’t handle it move around. There are chicks out there content with being a booty that. Some of these smuts just want the pleasure of saying they got smashed by a famous dude, I’ve heard it before. Don’t leave voice messages and text messages. That’s called a paper trail, don’t be friends on Facebook, don’t call on birthdays, kwanza, easter, nothing. You would think with all the money these guys have it would be easy to cover up infidelity but those smuts are only in it for the pay day any fool can see that. There should be cameras in every corner of the room during a sweaty sex session, just for protection against false allegations, if you can help it even an eyewitness with a notarized contract of what’s about to go down. You’re rich. Name me one chick that wouldn’t sign an agreement to sleep with a Denzel or Kobe. If she’s not willing to sign then move around. This goes for the broke playas out there as well, not just the ones with money. I’m just saying take precautions and be careful, some may say “well you not thinking about the consequences when it happens”, I say that’s the stupidest sh!t I ever heard. Think about the consequences before it happens and you’ll be a little bit better prepared. And if you can’t deal with the repercussions don’t cheat, and if you have to cheat leave your girl cause in the end you will end up being the loser; be it your life (RIP Steve McNair), your rep (RIP Cablasian Tiger, hello black Tiger) or your money (too many to name). Just be smart.

Is That Yo Chick Pt 2

Is that Yo Chick PT 2:

As a follow up to “Is that Yo Chick Pt.1”, we proudly introduce a Pt. 2 because you (the people) loved it so much with your comment,s and because there are other aspects to touch on. Now we already stated that if your partner wanted to cheat they were going to cheat and there is NOTHING you can do about it. So just to recap the first two components, which were the jealous guy/girl that hates when people look at their partner, and thinking that just because they are talking to a friend, that it must mean they are “blowing their back out” even though if they talking to someone out of my crew we most likely taught her that little thing that she does and that you like most. So let’s jump right into these next topics.

Another situation we notice happens often is when a girlfriend/boyfriend’s phone rings from a call or a text, a lot of people get all up in arms for no reason. If you think you are the only person in your partner’s contacts, then you are about as dumb as a sack of rocks. There are people before you and most likely will be some during and after you….so save yourself some stress and try not to screen someone else’s phone calls. Just think about it like this: if it’s someone he/she is cheating with he/she won’t even look at the phone let alone answer it in front of you. So just calm down before someone’s feelings get hurt. Some people you just can’t win with. Let’s say someone’s significant other does answer the phone in front of them to talk to a friend, be it male or female, they are talking to someone who is JUST A FRIEND. You have some people who get mad because they think their girl/guy is flirting with someone else in their face and is being disrespectful. On the other hand if the phone doesn’t get answered that person will still get mad because he/she feels that the significant other has something to hide. God forbid if your guy/girl caught you cheating before. Every time your phone rings all she’ll say is “It’s probably that BITCH calling you again!” 4406

Lastly, if a random person compliments your girl/boyfriend by saying something like “you look nice today” or “I like what you have on” it does not mean that they are trying to recruit your main squeeze into some kind of weird swingers union. No need to jump down a person’s throat (no lil kim). If someone tells you that your man/woman is handsome/beautiful, take solace in the fact that you have great taste and that you aren’t like some of these people walking around with somebody on your arm looking like they just got through watching the tape from The Ring. The same thing applies when ya’ll are standing in a checkout line and we stop and have a conversation with the clerk. That person is not flirting, that’s just good customer service. Or maybe they are. The salesperson could be looking to get some.

Is That Yo Chick?

Anybody out there known to be a jealous boyfriend/girlfriend? You probably won’t admit it and that’s ok. Does anybody have a jealous significant other? I don’t necessarily have a problem with people getting a little jealous when their boyfriend/girlfriend gets a little too close for comfort with someone else that isn’t him/her. It’s only natural. What I do have a problem with is people who are rediculously jealous as well as insecure in their relationship. People would be doing themselves a huge favor if they stopped stressing themselves out over what the other person is doing. I’m not saying you shouldn’t care what the other person is doing, I’m saying there isn’t anything you can do about what the other person is doing. To everyone out there in Facebookland and across the globe read this carefully: If your man/woman wants to cheat on you, there is absolutely NOTHING that you can do about it.
There are generally two situations that piss me off whenever I see them; rather it be on tv or in real life.

The first happens something like this when me and my boys decide to hit downtown. Why is it that whenever some guy sees us walking towards him and his girl he immediately looks at his girl, looks at us, and then graps his girl’s hand and moves to the other side of the walk way or to another part of the club? Stop handcuffing dude. Don’t get mad at one of us because your girl was peeping. And don’t try to act hard and front of your girl either, cuz I’m the only skinny one in my crew. Everybody else looks like they got their master’s degree from Gold’s Gym. We will whoop the shit outta you and take ya girl behing the alley of Speakeasy and have our way. I’m just playin…but I’m sayin. The point I’m trying to make is there is no reason for you to be mad. Not at me anyway. You’d be better off checking your girl and going upside her head. Besides, I’m not gonna holla at her…well not in front of you anyway. Now as soon as you go to the bathroom, I might step to her at the bar. But you’re in the bathroom and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. So stop with the insecurities. If something did happen with your girl and another dude, you won’t find out about it anyway. And worrying about what or who she does all day when you’re not around will eat you alive. You can’t watch her 24/7. And if you happen to have an attractive girlfriend, you have to know that dudes try to get at her all day everyday.

(NOTE: All men probably seem to think that their significant other is attractive. Unfortunately several men are sadly mistaken. For those of you guys out there you can relax, you have nothing to worry about here. Unless of course your girl is a hoe. I’m just playin…but I’m sayin)

The second situation that I happen to see a lot is when a person sees their boyfriend/girlfriend talking to somebody else that they don’t know and they immediately get jealous. If your girl/guy happens to be getting a little too flirtatious, it’s perfectly ok to let it be known that you plan on kick the shit out him/her as soon as you get home. But never, ever, under any circumstances try to check the other person. The first reason being that you don’t know them and they just might kick your ass. The second reason being, it’s not their fault that your significant other wants to talk to them. If you happen to go out and you see you girl/guy getting a little too close to someone else, then do the same thing with someone else but take it up a notch or two. See how much they like it on the other end and I guarantee you they’ll think twice about it the next time. You may even end up getting laid out of the whole ordeal. Not saying I condone that…but I’m sayin.

With that being said, the basic premise I’m trying to get to is that if you’re gonna be with somebody, you gotta learn to trust them. If you can’t do that, then you might as well break up now because you will never be happy with that person. If you do what you’re supposed to do you shouldn’t have anything to worry about. And if your boyfriend/girlfriend still ends up sneaking around, well then that just wasn’t the one for you. It’s not the end of the world. On to the next one. Yeah it may hurt you, but don’t get mad. Get even. Sleep with his/her closest friends as revenge. I’m just playin…but I’m sayin.