In case you were never aware of a late breaking sociological study, women love to argue. They love drama, and they can’t survive without it. This is the same reason why women will befriend someone who they tell their other friends that they can’t stand, and constantly talk about this person behind their back. It’s the same reason why women will enter and continue a relationship that has no benefit whatsoever to them. She doesn’t even have to really even like the other guy that much, but because there’s drama involved, she will stay. I don’t know if it’s for pure entertainment or what. Let’s say you have a group of guys riding in the car having a discussion. One guy gets out. What happens next? The remaining guys will move on to the next subject or whatever catcher their attention next. Now replace those guys with women. If one gets out of the car, there’s a much higher chance that one of the remaining women in the car will have something sassy or unappealing to say about the person who just exited the vehicle. When the next one gets out she will then call the first person who got out and inform her of what the other two people in the car said about her. And the cycle of drama continues. If you weren’t aware, women even have the powers to turn compliments into insults. Everyday in America some woman asks her man how she looks in some random outfit. If the guy says “It’s straight” or “it’s cool” then the outfit isn’t good enough and he thinks she’s ugly and fat. God forbid that the guy pauses before he answers. The crazy thing is even if he says, “You look gorgeous. You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” She will reply with “That’s not true…tell me what you really think!” Now she doesn’t believe you, and everything you ever told her up to this point in the relationship has been a lie.
The easiest solution would be to just take a break from women, but unfortunately for men, we all have a temptation that we can’t shake. No, it’s not a woman herself ; it’s her vagina. And the woman has to come as part of a package deal. So how are we as men supposed to deal with these drama loving beings until the end of time? You can’t just simply not argue with them. One way or another they will pull you in. Women, for some reason (read: no logic implied), believe that if her man won’t argue with her that he isn’t passionate about the relationship and that he doesn’t care enough. If a woman gets this notion enough, she will eventually take her vagina away from you, and we can’t have that now can we? So for the fellas out there, here are a few ways that you can minimize the arguing between you and the woman in your life.
First of all, pick your beef. She may get on some crazy soapbox about something that pisses you off, but don’t engage in an all out scream-fest unless it’s something you are truly passionate about. Like if she wants to watch Grey’s Anatomy, but you haven’t reached your checkpoint on Call of Duty yet. Understand that it is in a woman’s DNA to fight for dumb shit. Yeah it’s just as easy for her to put the toilet seat back up after she finishes so that you don’t have to keep lifting it up over and over again, but let her have that one. If you’re gonna fight, make sure it’s worth the time and whatever after affects it may have down the road.
Think AGAIN before you talk. Have you ever been in an argument with a woman, and as soon as she made a comment you were able to counter it with quick thinking and a great comeback that pretty much shut the whole conversation down? Next time, don’t do that. Now you’re not just the bad guy, but you’re the bad guy who’s an asshole who doesn’t consider her feelings. Women are trained to believe that they are always right, and to crush them with sheer logical thought is the biggest insult a man can ever give to a woman. Instead of throwing a verbal haymaker into the argument, say it with an upward inflection that sounds like a question. This way she can answer it and believe that it was her who resolved the problem. She wins because she can now tell all of her friends how she “won” the argument. You win because you get to finish watching the game.
Lastly, I would advise that you never fully engage in the argument in the first place if you don’t have to. Just nod and smile and agree with her. Just don’t make it seem phony. Say “you right” (see how it works here: ) about 6 or 7 times and it’ll be over before you know it. But be careful to avoid these two common mistakes. Never apologize and never admit you were wrong unless you have no other choice. It will come back to haunt you in the future. Saying “sorry” is an admission of guilt. Therefore say something along the lines of “I’m sorry if by me doing ______ you feel _____.” As I’ve told others before, I’m not always right, but I’m never wrong. Pretty much everything I do is based on a logical decision where I’ve evaluated the consequences and made the appropriate actions based on that logic. Sometimes it’s drunk logic. Sometimes it’s angry logic. But it was always the right decision at the time.
That’s all I can do to help you guys for now. The only other solution would be to find a woman who doesn’t feed off drama and argue for no apparent reason. And if you’ve already found her, see if she has a sister for me.
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