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Monday, October 5, 2009


The whole “no homo” craze caught on after Lil Wayne started saying it on those mixtapes he used to drop once a week. I guess the fact that he admittedly kisses another man, who he calls “daddy,” and wears skinny jeans, he probably needs to over-persuade everyone that he is in fact not a homo. Not to say that people who wear skinny jeans are more prone to be homosexual…I’m just saying. And then the whole “no homo” saying got real old real quick. It got to the point where people couldn’t even have a conversation with their boys without a “pause/no homo” being said every six seconds. Now I will admit, I’ve had to hit the pause button on more than a few occasions just to provide some humor to the conversation and to keep the masculinity in line. But, nowadays I no longer feel the need to say pause unless there is some seriously suspect, borderline things going on. Well to you, Mr. Tyson Beckford, I say PAUSE!

Now for those who haven’t heard, model Tyson Beckford was asked on a radio show that if he had to go gay for one man, who that man would be. Now before we go any further, let it be known that this guy has been repeatedly accused of being gay for a number of years. See, I’m a well known hater of the Los Angeles Lakers, and if somebody is constantly accusing me of being a Laker fan, I’m not going to show up in public wearing a Kobe Bryant jersey to dispel those rumors. The point I’m trying to make is that if someone who constantly has their sexuality questioned is asked a question like “which person of the same sex would you want to sleep with?” the proper response should be something along the lines of “I’m not gay, so I can’t answer that.” I’m comfortable enough with my manhood and my sexuality to say that another man can be good looking. But this Tyson has to be THEE most comfortable person with his sexuality ever…or the most confused. When asked the infamous question at hand, Tyson responded that he would not only like to bang our president Barack Obama, but even went into detail by saying he would make Obama the bottom. Oh yeah, and that Michelle Obama would hold the camera to record all of this. I don’t remember anybody asking him that if he were to have sex with a man, who he wanted to record the incident and who would be in what position. This suggests to me that the interview was not the first time that Tyson has fantasized about making President Obama his bottom bitch. I bet you probably thought that it couldn’t get any worse, right? But in his complete comfort, Tyson also went on to say that he would like to give it to Will Smith as well. So not only does he want to sodomize our president, but he also wants to make it an orgy with one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Well, I guess at least he has high standards. I mean if you’re gonna be gay, don’t just settle for the choir director at the church down the street.

Please know that I don’t care if the man is gay or not, and I have nothing against homosexuals. I’ve hung out with gay people on occasions before. The problem I have is that if you’re going to live a certain lifestyle, just do you. I know that typically in the black community, homosexuality is viewed as something similar to being a leper. Tyson is supposed to be a pioneer as far as black male models go, so what really bothers me is that he uses this platform to bring more sideshow attention to President Obama, when the pres already has enough critics saying he is too distracted, by suggesting that he wants to make the president his boy toy. There’s enough Republicans out there trying to fuck Obama as it is, Tyson, so fall back for another 4 or 8 years. I would like to “pause” Tyson Beckford on this one, but that phrase is supposed to be reserved in reference to heterosexuals who say things that can be twisted into a homosexual nature. This guy on the other hand should no longer have is sexuality questioned…because he just gave us the answer.

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