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Monday, December 7, 2009

MyShoeBag Presents: The Black Avenger

Today's note is brought to you by a special ghost writer who goes by "The Black Avenger"

The Game Done Changed:

When you reach a certain level of popularity, people are going to be in your business 24/7. There are going to be cousins, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, parents, children and a whole lot of other people coming out of nowhere claiming that you owe them this or that, or asking can they have this or that. As far as I’ve seen, most public figures keep a tight rein on their past and can easily buy off or litigate their way out of any funny business committed by these individuals. What gets me is the way these public figures, these ridiculously rich public figures, especially the men, continue to act like dumb dummies when it comes to getting some action on the side. It’s like they grew up with all these chicks throwing booty at them and the minute they jump into to the top 5% tax bracket they start losing their damn minds and forgetting how the game is supposed to work. There are piss poor men out here that have had secret families for years and nobody knows until his funeral and there is a whole ‘nother family sitting on that first pew and that little boy in the front looks just like little Junebug. Why can’t these dudes with money at their disposal get it together? It’s an unsaid rule that men with power and money cheat, not all of them but I would go out on a limb and say most of them. It would seem to me that the wives of these men know this, hell some of them may have been the other woman at some point in time. Where these dudes are getting the game twisted is that they feel that they are untouchable in that aspect, and that they can go around banging all these different chicks all willy nilly and not have any consequences. I’ll go a step further and say that they aren’t even just banging these chicks but they are showing them too much love.

Example, a high profile sports star is married with children, he goes to Vegas meets a cocktail waitress that would turn a Catholic priest into a salivating horndog (hehe..horndog), and he takes her back to the room for a romp. He may even take her number so that the next time he is in Vegas they will hook up again. So he calls and texts her dropping a bunch of sweet nothings in her ear, until wifey finds out; then he doesn’t know the chick, never met her, and whatever other denial claims he can come up with. The wife threatens divorce, the dude sees half of his…and I stress, HIS hard money going to pay for a new toy for the wife, and claims he will never talk the chick again. He tells the other lady it’s over and the next thing you know it’s all over CNN, ESPN, ABC, and NPR that this guy is a cheater from way back, and this other lady knows more about him than his own wife. Now the guy’s rep is in shambles al because he didn’t play the game like it’s supposed to be played.

Fellas, let me drop a jewel on you…if you are going to cheat make sure you have no feelings for the other chick, don’t buy her nice expensive gifts, don’t wine and dine her. If you can help it, don’t even get her name. Treat her like the hoe she is. Now ladies before you get upset, if the chick is messing with a dude she knows has a wife and kids at home she is a whore plain and simple. The problem I see happening with the rich dudes is that they are tricking dough on these jumpoffs and making them feel like they are more than what they are. I don’t care if you are Bill Gates rich, it is trickin if you got it, ain’t got it, or never will have it. If you have money to blow like that spend it on yourself or your kids, not some random piece of ass that will have your head(pun intended) if you try to cut it off with her. Because in her eyes, she is your woman now. This should be common sense to most of dudes but to those who don’t know, never ever, ever, ever treat a jumpoff with love and respect. Miss me with that all women should be treated with respect bullsh!t cause it ain’t true, ladies this goes for you too. Use the brutally honest approach if necessary and let her know she is just something to do and if she can’t handle it move around. There are chicks out there content with being a booty that. Some of these smuts just want the pleasure of saying they got smashed by a famous dude, I’ve heard it before. Don’t leave voice messages and text messages. That’s called a paper trail, don’t be friends on Facebook, don’t call on birthdays, kwanza, easter, nothing. You would think with all the money these guys have it would be easy to cover up infidelity but those smuts are only in it for the pay day any fool can see that. There should be cameras in every corner of the room during a sweaty sex session, just for protection against false allegations, if you can help it even an eyewitness with a notarized contract of what’s about to go down. You’re rich. Name me one chick that wouldn’t sign an agreement to sleep with a Denzel or Kobe. If she’s not willing to sign then move around. This goes for the broke playas out there as well, not just the ones with money. I’m just saying take precautions and be careful, some may say “well you not thinking about the consequences when it happens”, I say that’s the stupidest sh!t I ever heard. Think about the consequences before it happens and you’ll be a little bit better prepared. And if you can’t deal with the repercussions don’t cheat, and if you have to cheat leave your girl cause in the end you will end up being the loser; be it your life (RIP Steve McNair), your rep (RIP Cablasian Tiger, hello black Tiger) or your money (too many to name). Just be smart.

1 comment:

  1. all i can say is, A-F**KIN-MEN! who ever that person is i need to find them.
